An Over-Toxified Body Could Be Causing Fibromyalgia – Here’s 12 Steps to Help
Are you in pain or even just generally fatigued?
It may be time to check underlying toxic exposures that create conditions which may be exacerbating how you feel.
We are electrical beings. There are many things in our world today that can deplete electricity. Causes of depleted electricity can be linked to Fluoride, and medications containing fluoride such as SSRI’s, toxic cosmetics containing aluminum, mercury, and vaccines. Addictions causing a toxic liver can be a cause of depleted oxygen and energy. These include smoking, excessive alcohol, and sugar. Food choices that can steal our energy and disrupt our hormones are pesticides in processed foods, MSG, Aspartame, HFCS and the SAD diet, all which can lead to increased risk for inflammation and other autoimmunity disorders. According to Science News, chronic fatigue is in our gut and not our head.(1) A toxic liver and toxic gut will affect all organs without exception. It could deter healing, slow down recovery, cause fatigue, weaken immunity, cause low energy, increase weight gain, depression, and ailments of all sorts including autoimmunity disorders. EMF’s can deplete our energy and disrupt our sleep patterns which continue to stress the mind and body. A high caffeine diet can exhaust adrenal glands. And finally, deficiencies in Magnesium can steal our energy and oxygen-rich red blood cell count can be low.
Fibromyalgia is Difficult to Diagnose
There is a blood test called FM/a that identifies possible markers produced by immune system blood cells in people with fibromyalgia. But a diagnosis is really dependent on how you feel. (2) Fibromyalgia includes body pain, fatigue, and insomnia. But Fibromyalgia can also be called a skin condition. Trigger points are inflamed tissue that’s located just below the skin and is generally especially sensitive to the touch. The pain symptoms of fibromyalgia are believed by many researchers to be related to the fascia of the body. In fibromyalgia, the amount of blood flow to the peripheral tissues (the skin) is substantially reduced.(3) In layman terms, the immune system within the skin is acting up and this involves the capillaries and small blood vessels. To make matters worst, fibromyalgia is found in our gut. Fibromyalgia pain is found mostly in the back of the head, neck, stomach, hip and knees. Most complaints are chronic headaches and nausea.
Today our children from about age 7 to 10 years old are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (4) You may find this shocking. But if we check, it’s no surprise to find that these children can also have a toxic internal environment from a poor diet and lack of movement. They are also stressed. Subsidized school lunches can increase the risk for obesity. Increase wi-fi use can increase toxicities. Being overweight can play a causative role in pain, inflammation,(5) and low energy levels. Secondly, children are prescribed more antibiotics, Ritalin, statins (4) and antidepressants in the last decade. Medications can decrease good gut microbiome, decrease the quality of sleep and cause weight issues.
What Can We Do?
- Take more time to implement healthy habits. Notice that both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue have insomnia, depression and poor microbiome in common.
- Make time for exercise and avoid stimulants. Exercise can bring more oxygen into the cells, increasing circulation.
- Ditch fast food eating. Make time to chew your food and practice meditation. Focus on how you handle emotions and find healthy ways to release stress.
- Include homemade vegetable juice to your morning routine. You can add in organic green apples as they are an excellent food for sufferers of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
- Fresh homemade juices contain large amounts of enzymes that help break down inflammation, reduce pain, and supply the cells with energy.
- Purchase organic non-toxic skin-care products to relieve inflammation.
- Purchase non-toxic and fluoride-fee toothpaste and mouthwash.
- Try not to be on your computer or cell phone all day long. Children should never be given a cell phone before the age of 16.
- Coffee and caffeine deplete magnesium and stress the body. Cashews and Kale are found to be magnesium rich.
- Eat anti-inflammatory foods such as organic Maca, ginger, and turmeric root.
- Eat more colorful, antioxidant-packed produce, such as organic strawberries, organic bell peppers, and organic mangoes, all of which are particularly high in vitamin C. Choose only organic, as these have several hundreds of pesticides sprayed on them.
- Ask your doctor about weaning you or your child off of a medication, if you’ve been taking it for longer than 6 months. Every drug has side-effects.